Dog Health
Third of UK’s dogs are fussy eaters
Almost 40% of dog owners describe their pet as a ‘fussy eater’, new research reveals.
Half of dog owners don’t brush their pet’s teeth
The dental health of pets could be improved by greater awareness and use of homecare products, new research reveals.
Myths about heatstroke endangering dogs
Dogs suffering with heatstroke could become more unwell or even die because of outdated first aid methods, a new study reveals.
Disposable vapes a danger to dogs, minister warns
Disposable vapes could be a danger to dogs’ health if they find the discarded products, ministers were told yesterday (20 June).
Vet issues warning on artificial grass’s dangers to dogs
A vet at Joii Pet Care has issued a reminder to dog owners on the risks posed by artificial grass during the heatwave.
Tap water could be ‘slowly poisoning’ pets, expert warns
Hard tap water could be "slowly poisoning" pets because of the elements dissolved in it, a water treatment expert claims.
Dog owner gives HRT warning
A dog owner is warning about the dangers of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) creams to dogs, which can cause fatal bone marrow toxicity.
Dog obesity ‘epidemic’ sweeping the UK
A dog obesity 'epidemic' is sweeping the UK and putting pooches at risk, a new report reveals.
Nutrition and behaviour top list for dog owners seeking advice
Behaviour, nutrition, and puppy advice are the top three reasons pet owners have sought veterinary nurse advice this year, new research reveals.
Vegan diet could improve behavioural and skin issues
Dogs fed a vegan diet could be less prone to skin, gastrointestinal, and behavioural issues, new research reveals.