Dog Groomers,  Industry News

West Yorkshire social club to become grooming parlour and doggy daycare

A former social club in Normanton, West Yorkshire, is to be converted into a grooming salon.

Wakefield Council has approved the application to transform the old St John The Baptist Catholic Social Club.

The plans include providing hydrotherapy, grooming and doggy daycare services at the Newland Lane site.

A planning officer’s report said up to six members of staff would be based at the facility, with up to 16 dogs being cared for at any one time.

The plans were approved with a condition that an acoustic fence be installed around an exercise area outside the property to protect residents living close to the site.

Further conditions restrict the use of the outdoor area to between 9am to 5pm. Use of the area is also restricted to one dog at a time, or up to three dogs from the same household, to prevent excessive barking.

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