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Sunderland could welcome new dog walking field

Plans for a new dog walking field outside of Sunderland have been lodged.

Sunderland City Council’s planning department has received an application for land near Back Lane and Hill Lane, in the Penshaw area.

The application is seeking permission to change the use of agricultural land and to create a bookable secure dog walking field, a new access track, and a small parking area.

The plans say the new access track would be made of ‘grasscrete’, a blend of concrete and grass, to “ensure it has a discreet appearance in the wider grassland and landscape”.

The facility, which would be open between 8am and 7pm in summer months and reduced times during the winter, would offer 60 minutes bookable sessions.

There would be a maximum of five dogs allowed in the field at any one time.

A decision on the planning application will be made once a consultation has concluded. The council lists a decision deadline of 5 June, 2024.

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