dog on lead
Dog Walkers,  Industry News

Ribble Valley Borough Council consults on continuing dog controls

Ribble Valley Borough Council has launched a consultation on whether controls on dogs in public spaces, which limit dog walkers to four animals at a time, should be continued.

The council introduced a public spaces protection order (PSPO) in 2017 to tackle fouling. However, this order is set to expire in October 2023, and the council want to know whether it should be extended for another three years.

The current restrictions make it an offence to:

  • Be in charge of more than four dogs at once.
  • Fail to pick up dog poo in a public place.
  • Not be in possession of poo bags.
  • Let a dog off its lead in Clitheroe Cemetery.
  • Allow a dog to enter a playground or sports pitch.
  • Refuse to put a dog on a lead if asked by a dog warden.

Anyone breaching the order faces a £100 fixed penalty notice or day in court and fine of up to £1,000.

Stuart Hirst, chairman of the Ribble Valley Borough Council’s health and housing committee, said: “Public open spaces play an important role in the health and wellbeing of our residents and visitors.

“We want everyone to enjoy themselves in public spaces and this means restricting where dogs can go and when they should be kept on leads.”

The consultation is available online, in person at the council’s offices, or by phoning Ribble Valley Borough Council on 01200 425111.

The consultation runs until midnight on 31 July.

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