Plans lodged for Dorset doggy daycare
Plans have been lodged for a new doggy daycare near Christchurch, in Dorset.
Home Farm Hurn Ltd is seeking to use an existing barn and stables at Home Farm, off Christchurch Road in Hurn, to provide an indoor dog care centre.
The applicant also wants to hold puppy classes and behavioural and training classes within an enclosure on the farm and has plans to offer a paddock for private rental by dog owners.
If approved, the centre would be managed by the applicants, one of whom is said to have been operating as a dog behaviourist and trainer for more than four years.
Home Farm Hurn Ltd also says it has been contacted by a “leading dog charity” who wishes to work them to provide individual training sessions with dogs for fostering or adoption on site.
The doggy daycare would be open 8am to 6pm, with exceptions to allow for drop offs and pickups.
A decision has yet to be made on the application.
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