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MPs join forces with Blue Cross to call for a new approach to cut dog attacks

MPs have been meeting with representatives from animal welfare charity Blue Cross at an event in Westminster to call for responsible dog ownership and a complete reform of existing dog control legislation.

A new report from Blue Cross argues the current approach of banning breeds, with a lack of supporting detailed evidence, will not solve the problem. Blue Cross is united with other animal charities, including Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, Dogs Trust, the RSPCA, BVA and PDSA, in opposing bans on individual breeds or types of dogs.

Blue Cross is calling for:

  • A complete overhaul of existing dog control legislation, to create one consolidated Bill underpinned by research into the prevalence and causes of dog bites and attacks and he creation of a centralised database to record information on dog bites, levels of severity and circumstances of incidents.
  • The introduction of dog licensing with guidance and regulations and the fee to be invested back into improving dog control.
  • The government to invest in the Blue Cross Responsible Dog Ownership Course and all owners who commit a low-level dog offence to take the course to bring down the number of offences and improve public safety.
  • More effective and comprehensive enforcement of current dog breeding and control regulations. Far too many dogs suffer due to unscrupulous breeders, dealers and traders who prioritise profit over welfare.

Becky Thwaites, Head of Public Affairs at Blue Cross, said: “We invited MPs along to hear about how we believe that through collaboration and support we can, together, improve responsible dog ownership with emphasis being made on dog owners rather than demonising any particular breed.”


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