Dog salon to open in Higham
A new dog spa is to open in Higham, Kent, at the end of August
The School Lane salon is located in new village pet store Happy Tails, which has reopened after a £60,000 refurbishment.
The store offers a range of food and treats – including a pick-and-mix station of natural treats – toys, leads and beds, medical products, and personalised gifts.
There is also an outdoor wash-and-go shower area so dog walkers can clean their pets before taking them home, with shampoo, brushes, and towels provided.
Kerry Jewiss, who owns the shop with her partner Claire Stevens, told Kent Live: “The opening weekend was a great success with queues out the door and stock flying off the shelves.
“We were overwhelmed with the support from the community, and together with full-timers Rebecca and Krissi, had a lovely time meeting all the pet owners and offering advice on nutrition and training.”
Happy Tails is open Tuesday to Saturday, from 9am to 4.30pm, and will be opening on Sundays from 10am to 1pm between October and December.