Dog Treats,  Product News

Pets Purest launches Peanut Powder

Wellbeing brand Pets Purest has launched Peanut Powder for dogs.

The new product can be used as a food topper or mixed with water to create a paste.

Peanut Powder contains 90% less calories than traditional peanut butter, is free from palm oil and xylitol, and contains no added salt or sugar. To make the powder, peanuts are slow-roasted and pressed to remove the oil, leaving behind a powder containing the protein and other essential vitamins and minerals such as niacin, thiamine, phosphorus, and magnesium.

Brand Marketing Manager Chris Socratous said: “Being first to market with this product is really exciting, and we’re convinced that it is going to prove just as popular with our four-legged friends as it does with their owners.

“We’re not just about natural treats, we’re about natural treats with benefits. Peanuts are a great source of healthy protein and are packed with Vitamins B & E, which are essential to our pet’s overall health and wellbeing.”

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