Doggy Daycare,  Industry News

Whalley doggy daycare looks to expand

Doggy daycare The Bark Park in Whalley, Lancashire, is seeking permission to increase the number of dogs allowed on its site at any one time from 20 to 50.

The Bark Park currently employs six people who work alongside Owner Janet Sutton, who started out as a dog walker in 2017, before taking on the land in Whalley.

In her application, Sutton says: “As with many other businesses struggling with rising operational costs amidst the cost-of-living crisis this year I, as a business owner, am required to continuously look at ways to increase revenue and maintain our profits to keep the business afloat.

“The current limit is a limitation to our business growth. An increase to this limit will help us maintain a sufficient cashflow whilst keeping in line with our planning conditions and maintain the business growth against the increasingly challenging economic climate.

“A restriction of only 20 dogs allowed on site at any one time simply isn’t enough for me to make ends meet anymore.”

The business also has two purpose-built, fully-enclosed dog walking fields, which it hires out.

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