Scarborough doggy daycare plans secure planning permission
A new doggy daycare is set to open in industrial park in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, after plans were approved.
Unlicensed doggy daycare owner prosecuted
A Surrey-based doggy daycare owner has been prosecuted for operating her business without a licence.
Grantham doggy daycare expands
Who Lets Your Dog Out? has opened the Dog Adventure Centre in Grantham, Lincolnshire.
Bruce’s updates centres across the UK
Doggy daycare Bruce’s has made substantial upgrades to its centres across the UK to it ensure they are ready for winter.
Dundee groomer expands business
Dog groomer Mandy Grogan has opened a dog hotel and doggy daycare in Dundee.
Edinburgh kennels given green light
Plans for a new dog kennel, with doggy daycare, on the outskirts of Edinburgh have been approved.
Staffordshire doggy daycare to open second site
Doggy daycare K9 Anytime is to open its second facility in a converted agricultural barn in Weston-under-Lizard, Staffordshire, after planning permission was granted.
Hampshire doggy daycare celebrates milestone
ScenterBarks, in Winchester, Hampshire, is celebrating its 10th birthday.
Doggy daycare opens in Bramford
A new doggy daycare has opened in Bramford, Suffolk.
Doggy daycare opens in Hatfield Peverel
A new doggy daycare centre has opened in Hatfield Peverel, Essex.