Suffolk country estate plans dog exercise field
A country estate in Suffolk is seeking planning permission for a dog exercise field.
The Rendlesham Estate has applied to East Suffolk Council for permission to use a field at Rookery Farm for a dog walking facility, where one customer at a time would be able to exercise up to six dogs.
If approved, the 4.7-acre field on the edge of Rendlesham and close to the A1152 would be available for dog owners and walkers to book for a 50-minute slot with 10 minutes for handover.
A small car park would be created just inside the field.
The planning statement says: “The exclusive use of the field will give customers space to walk their dogs off the lead, knowing that they will not meet other dogs.
“There is also an increasing demand for dog walking services and the proposal would enable a professional dog walker to exercise up to six dogs at any one time without the risk of dogs escaping or coming across other dog walkers.”
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