a dog defocating
Dog Walkers,  Industry News

Shropshire Council consults on new dog rules

Shropshire Council is consulting on plans to introduce a public spaces protection order (PSPO). 

The rules would relate to: allowing dog fouling in the public area, failure to appropriately remove and dispose of dog waste, dog exclusion from play areas, equipped and fenced sports areas, dogs on leads by direction, and dogs on leads on the highway.

Orders can be enforced by police officers, police community support officers, authorised council officers, and employees of other delegated organisations. 

A breach of the PSPO can be dealt with through the issuing of a fixed penalty notice of up to £100, or up to £1,000 on prosecution. 

Dan Morris, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for highways, said: “An internal review last winter found an increasing number of complaints to the council about dog fouling, and concerns that we are not taking sufficient enforcement action. 

“It was agreed that the council’s legislative powers be reviewed, and measures implemented to enable enforcement for the control of dogs and for addressing dog fouling – and a PSPO is the best way to do this.”

The consultation runs until 21 December and the findings will then be brought back to the council’s cabinet for further consideration early next year.   

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