Raw pet food standards accreditation launched
A new accreditation for the raw pet food industry has launched from RawSAFE, an organisation owned by the Raw Feeding Veterinary Society.
Subscription based raw pet food brand Bella & Duke is amongst the first to receive the new accreditation, following a testing process.
Having the new RawSAFE accreditation is a huge step forward for the pet food industry as a whole and gives reassurance to customers and veterinarians that standards are being monitored through a vigorous process of auditing. We are delighted to have been one of the first pet food manufacturers to have been accredited,” Tony Ottley, Director of Bella & Duke said.
“We are acutely aware that our colleagues in the veterinary profession need to have reliable sources of information about raw food and they are often very concerned when their clients tell them they are feeding a raw food diet. The RawSAFE accreditation will mean that they can feel confident with their client’s choice for their pet and maybe even begin to recommend accredited products,” RawSAFE added.

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