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Poochee Care scoops top Welsh business award

Alyson Lane, founder of Poochee Care, has been awarded a Best of Welsh Business Awards 2022 in the Pet Care Category.

Lane started the business in 2018 after she lost her dog, Molly, following a stay with a home-boarder. The Golden Labrador has become unwell, but the carers did not advise her or any of her listed emergency contacts.

She said: “That experience absolutely devastated me and I didn’t want anyone else having to suffer what we went through. So I decided to create a dog boarding experience where there is only a maximum of three dogs staying at any one time. This means that owners can enjoy their holiday without having to worry about their pets as they know they are being well looked after.”

Lane is now inviting other like-minded animal lovers to join her and offer a Poochee Care franchise. She said: “The ideal new franchisees would be a couple – ideally semi-retired or with no children under five years of age – and with no resident dog of their own. Dog boarders can care for their new pet friends for any length of time – for long or short holidays or a weekend break.

“I would love to help other animal lovers start their own home-boarding business. Home-boarding pets is not a job for me – it’s a passion and so rewarding.”

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