Plans to turn Preston stables into training centre set for approval
Plans to turn a livery stables in Preston, Lancashire, into a dog training facility look set to be approved by South Ribble Borough Council.
Applicant Nicola Wildman of Wild Paws has submitted plans to change Gables Farm Livery Stables in Lindle Lane, Hutton, into the dog training facility. Under the plans surrounding fields would be used during daylight hours to warm up and cool down dogs before and after classes.
Based on information provided, officers have worked out that up to 120 dogs per day could attend the site for classes, working with three members of staff.
There would be no external physical change to the site apart from six proposed floodlights facing into the courtyard and internal works to buildings.
The plans attracted 454 responses and will be heard by members of South Ribble Borough Council’s planning committee – who have been recommended to approve them by officers.
The officers said: “Putting personal feelings aside, there is no evidenced material planning reason relating to noise or highways impact why this scheme should not be considered compliant with council policy.”
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