Dog Boarders,  Doggy Daycare,  Industry News

Fresh plans for south Pembrokeshire doggy daycare submitted

Plans for a south Pembrokeshire dog boarding and doggy daycare have been submitted after a previously-refused application and appeal.

Applicant Michelle Bramwell, of Little Langdon, near Kilgetty, has resubmitted plans with access, parking, and ecological enhancements at Little Langdon.

Kilgetty-Begelly Community Council supports the application but asked for conditions relating to the access and increase in traffic at times be considered.

A supporting statement by agent Hayston Developments & Planning says: “In dismissing the appeal, although the Inspector concluded that such a business in this location could be acceptable in principle, the Inspector expressed concerns over the scale, siting and visual impact of the proposed development and how possible outdoor noise disturbance from associated activities could be satisfactorily controlled, such as through mitigation measures.

“This further application seeks to fully address the concerns expressed by both the council and the appeal Inspector. Therefore, significant revisions have been made to the layout and design details of the proposed development.”

Key changes include re-siting the development away from the lane, changes to the appearance, a reduction in size, and planting and landscaping.

The application has yet to considered by planners.

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