Dog Groomers,  Industry News

Essex grooming salon to launch with help of council grant 

Groomer Shelby Calver from Braintree, Essex, is launching a new dog grooming salon and pet shop in April.

Clippin Gorgeous, in Silver End, will offer professional dog grooming services and the shop will stock pet supplies such as natural dog treats and toys.

In February, Shelby was awarded a £3,000 grant from Braintree Council’s Young Entrepreneur Programme to help kick-start the business. The grant enabled Clippin Gorgeous to buy dog grooming equipment such as a table and dryer and some of the money will go towards paying the rent for the first few months.

Braintree Council Economic Growth Boss Tom Cunningham said: “We want to help young, ambitious and talented entrepreneurs achieve their goals and reach their potential.

“Launching a new business is challenging and this initiative is a way of removing some of the barriers which may hinder young people from taking that initial step.”

Shelby aims to open more salons once she becomes established. She said: “I will build my client base and reputation to begin with, but once up and running I hope to educate and support students graduating from Writtle University College to become dog grooming specialists, with the aim of employing them longer term.”

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