Dewsbury dog groomer raises £3,500 for charity
Dog groomer Nikki Swannell from Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, has raised £3,500 for of animal rights charity No To Dog Meat by running the Brighton Marathon.
Swannell, who only recently took up running, is now aiming to run three marathons in three weeks in aid of the charity that supports rescue centres in countries which have a dog meat and cat meat trade.
She told the Dewsbury Reporter: “Next April I have set myself the challenge of running three marathons within three weeks, Brighton, Paris, then fingers crossed London, but if not London then Manchester.”
Swannell added: “The charity go into the markets and also stop trucks taking the dogs to slaughter, to rescue the dogs, but unfortunately there are thousands so our footprint is only small.
“I want to raise as much money and awareness as possible to help stop this happening and bring awareness to the public and to raise money to help our rescues.”
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