Dog Boarders,  Industry News

Derbyshire kennels plans new accomodation block

Derbyshire boarding kennels Calagran Four Paws and Quarantine is seeking is planning permission for a new accommodation block. 

The proposed building, on Deepsick Lane, Arkwright Town, would contain 10 kennels and a kitchen for the storage and preparation of dog food. The plans also include an enclosed a dog walking area. 

North East Derbyshire District Council, Principal Environmental Health Officer John Mills, said: “I don’t object to the proposals in principle, however given that the proposed unit is closer to neighbouring property than is currently the case there is a potential for adverse noise impacts to arise.  

“To enable me to consider this matter further, I would appreciate further detail in the form of an annotated plan detailing the current location of kennels, and the number of animals kept in each unit.” 

Calagran Four Paws’ current capacity is 72 dogs. 

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