Doggy Daycare,  Industry News

Darwen nursery could soon welcome dogs

Plans to turn a children’s nursery in Darwen, Lancashire, into a doggy daycare have been submitted to the local authority.

Applicant Jenna Jones has applied for the change of use for Lynwood Bryn in Lynwood Avenue, Darwen.

Inside the facility will be clad with sound absorption materials to reduce any disruption and two trainers will  be employed to look after the dogs and provide them with enrichment activities.

In a supporting statement Jones and her business partner Catrina Sharrocks, of The Collar Club, said: “We will have the outdoor area use staggered to avoid busy traffic times throughout the day, doing this we will reduce the dogs’ reactions too the school children during their day.

“Dogs will be brought into the indoor area from approximately 5pm the reduce disruption with the owners attending for collection.”

Darwen East Liberal Democrat, Councillor Paul Browne, told the Lancashire Telegraph: “I can’t see that happening there.

“It’s definitely in the wrong location. I cannot see it working.”

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