blue-green algae
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Couple gives blue-green algae warning

A Cheshire couple is warning about the dangers of blue-green algae after their Cocker Spaniel puppy died shortly after a walk at Anton Lakes, in Hampshire.

Blue-green algae is found in freshwater like lakes, ponds, canals, rivers and reservoirs. Exposure to the toxic algae is often fatal, and can also cause long-term health problems in dogs that survive after drinking or swimming in contaminated water.

The UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology said: “They are particularly a health risk during warm summer months when their concentrations increase in the water to form blooms and scums on the surface.

“This can look like green or turquoise wispy paint, green scum or clumps of green particles.”

If a dog swallows algae containing a combination of the most severe toxins they may start showing signs within minutes, while in other cases it can take between one and a few hours to show.

The most common symptoms of blue-green algae poisoning include: vomiting, diarrhoea, disorientation/weakness, breathing difficulties, drooling, and seizures.

Dog walkers are being warned about the dangers that rapeseed poses. Rapeseed, which has a distinctive bright yellow colour, generally flowers in late spring. Eating rapeseed can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs, and in rare cases can lead to skin burns when dogs run through crops. In extreme cases, it has the ability to cause haemolytic anaemia, blindness, breathing problems, and damage to the nervous system.

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