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Councillors defer decision on Yorkshire dog park

Plans for a new dog park in Calverley, West Yorkshire, have been deferred by councillors for further discussions.

Experienced dog care professional Nikki Goodall wants to use land behind Carr Farm Cottage, on Carr Road, for the dog park.

She plans to create a paddock with wooden post and rail fencing, in keeping with the conservation area and surrounding listed buildings. The proposed facility would open 8am-8pm Monday to Saturday and 9am-4pm on Sundays.

Councillors on Leeds City Council’s South and West Plans Panel heard concerns from local residents, which include increased levels of noise and disturbance, while residents backing the plans said the area needs a safe and secure space to exercise dogs. The proposals had received 42 letters of objection and 47 letters of support.

The councillors said the use of the site seemed be acceptable, but deferred a final decision on the application for further discussions including:

  • The possibility of a smaller paddock area.
  • Reducing or staggering opening hours.
  • Reducing the number of dogs on the site at any one time from eight to four.
  • Applicant to consider acoustic fencing.
  • Reconsidering the surfacing for parking in the paddock.
  • Receiving comments from environmental health on a noise report produced by objectors.
  • Introducing conditions about no lighting on the paddock.

Council planning officers had recommended that the plans were approved by councillors subject to 11 conditions, including that the area is used by one family or group, trainer or walker at any one time. A pre-booking system should also be in operation, and there should be a 15-minute interval between each booking, to allow the previous customer to vacate the site.

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