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Chihuahua returned to owners after kennel escape

An 11-month-old chihuahua has been returned to his family after he escaped from Kingstand Lodge Kennels in Budby, Nottinghamshire, on 2 August.

Chihuahua Bluey’s owners were on holiday in Corfu when they received the news from the kennel. The couple were told that Bluey had escaped through a hole and then out of the main gates.

The owners contacted Beauty’s Legacy, a charity that aims to reunite lost and stolen pets, who launched a campaign on social media.

After several days of investigating sightings of Bluey, the volunteers of Beauty’s Legacy finally received a call to say he had been spotted on a farm in Bothamsall, more than five miles from the kennel.

Lisa Dean, head of the charity, told the Worksop Guardian: “Obviously this has ruined their holiday – they’re coming home on Monday, and they’ve spent all this week absolutely distraught.

“So today, to phone them and go: ‘look who I’ve got,’ – it was just amazing to give them that good news.

“It makes all the sleepless nights and all the hard work worth it. I’ve got some fantastic volunteers in our charity, and it’s just so lovely when we all come together and get a result like this.”

Kingstand Lodge Kennels was approached for comment.

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