Research News
Study finds link between having a dog and children’s physical activity
A recent study has found a 'clear' link between owning a dog and the level of physical activity undertaken by children in the family, with the impact most noticeable in girls.
Scent training could make pet dogs better behaved
Dogs trained in scent work have improved mental ability and capacity to carry out certain tasks, new research reveals.
Researchers reveal what dogs enjoy watching on TV
Scooby Doo, Crufts, and The Dog House are the TV programmes that dogs enjoy watching the most, new research reveals.
Most popular dog names for 2023 in the UK revealed
Milo and Luna are topping the UK's dog name charts along with film and sports-inspired monikers.
Dog owners ‘underestimate’ how cuddles compromise freedom of choice, research finds
New research has revealed that many dog owners with children in the home underestimate how a child cuddling the dog can compromise the animal's freedom of choice, which could lead to bites and other negative reactions.
Dogs prefer food over toys, study reveals
Nine out of 10 dogs chose a food reward over toys, new research reveals.
Vegan dog diet could lead to ‘massive’ environmental benefits, study says
A vegan diet for dogs could save "more greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) than all those emitted by the UK", a study by a University of Winchester academic says.
Dog licks can improve human health
Dogs should be encouraged to lick people all over to improve human health, according to a leading doctor.
Dogs with fewer facial markings give humans more expressive looks
Dogs with simple facial markings tend to be more expressive when interacting with humans compared to those with complex, multi-coloured markings, new research reveals.
Dog brains more sensitive to dog-directed speech spoken by women
Dogs show greater brain sensitivity to dog-directed speech directed at them by women, new research reveals.