Campaigners urge government to deliver shock collar ban
MPs and campaigners have urged the government to deliver on its promise to ban electric shock collars.
A proposed ban was due to come into force in England on Friday (2 February), but it is understood Parliament has yet to debate it.
Crawley MP Henry Smith, who is a patron of the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation, told The Express: “It is time for the government to make good on their promise to ban the use and sale of electric shock collars, which simply serve as implements of cruelty.”
Research from The Kennel Club showed that 77% of Brits said they believe the devices should be banned.
Mark Beazley, Chief Executive at The Kennel Club, told the newspaper: “This is yet another commitment to animal welfare that has fallen off the political agenda and, by not imposing this ban as promised, more dogs will sadly continue to suffer.
“We urge Defra to follow through with their promise to ban these abhorrent devices and to address this issue urgently.”
Paula Boyden, Veterinary Director at the Dogs Trust, told The Mirror: “We are incredibly disappointed that the UK government has seemingly reneged on its commitment to end the use of hand-held electric shock collars in England. These devices are both unnecessary and cruel, and this is a view held not just by our organisations but by more than 51,000 people who have shown their support for a ban.”
Boyden, also speaking on behalf of The Kennel Club, RSPCA, Battersea, British Veterinary Association and Blue Cross, added: “We are collectively calling on Defra not to U-turn on its promise to ban the sale and use of electric shock collars and to find the time to bring this ban into effect. There is simply no place or need for these cruel devices in modern pet training.”
In response, a Defra spokesperson told The Express: “The UK is a world leader on animal welfare and we are fully committed to maintaining and enhancing our strong track record, including delivering the ban on hand-controlled electric shock collars.”