Doggy Daycare,  Industry News

Bruce’s plan for Walsall doggy daycare attracts local objection

Bruce’s plans for a new doggy daycare centre on green belt land in Walsall have been recommended for approval despite local objection.

The company is hoping to open up a facility at Amber Meadow Stables, in Bridle Lane, Barr Beacon, which would care for up to 71 dogs.

However, the plans have sparked concerns about the safety and welfare of horses, dogs, and wildlife.

A petition that attracted 64 signatures from people including horse riders has been submitted to the local authority, while the British Horse Society and Beacon Action Group have also made representations.

Beacon Action Group said: “We consider this application to be incompatible with the adjacent and surrounding fields as it is in the centre of an equine area with adjacent fields used by horse owners to accommodate their animals.

“The fencing arrangements necessary to separate the dogs from the horses would have to be substantial to prevent noise from the 71 dogs, which would likely result in will harm the horses, and the design and appearance may not be suitable in a conservation area.”

Other issues raised by objectors included an increase in traffic, disposal of waste, and development on green belt land.

However, despite the opposition, members of Walsall Council’s planning committee are being recommended to approve the plan.

Officers said the development would not have any impact on the green belt or nearby heritage assets.

They added: “The use would require no buildings on site, minimal car parking, no lighting due to the daylight hours of use and it is not intended to change the current methods of access resulting in no loss of natural habitat and environment.

“The fencing proposed would be permitted development, however the details have been conditioned to ensure the fencing would sit comfortably within the natural environment and not intrusively impact on the green belt.”

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