Dog Trainers,  Industry News

Trainer set to close Bristol store

The owner of a long-standing dog training outlet in Bedminster, Bristol, has revealed the site is likely to close at the end of April.

Owner Roz Pooley, from The Mutty Professor, made the announcement to her Facebook followers citing an increase in costs and the introduction of Bristol’s Clean Air Zone as key reasons behind the decision.

Pooley said: “Businesses like my lovely, little shop have ever-increasing over heads, from extorionate energy bills, to higher wages. Now stock costs continue to increase, as the brands we sell also do their best to stay afloat. While our takings have not dropped that much, the overheads are waaaay higher, which is little different to sales dropping.

“Despite having our best Christmas ever- the clean air zone being introduced along with more recent stock price increases has caused a really emotionally tough two months for me. The frustration I feel at how independent traders, like me, are being forced to close is not good for my mental health.”
Pooley said the business will continue as usual until the end of April and then we will be downsizing to running an online store, unless an agreement can be met for someone else to take on the lease.
She added: “My focus is very much now on behaviour and training and the shop is interfering with that.
If someone wishes to take it on and work in their own little shop with the help of an amazing established team – then I’m all ears. Naturally, I’d not want to out compete it with my online shop.”

Pooley told Bristol World that at least four parties have come forward offering to potentially take over the lease to avoid closure.

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