Bedlington dog training centre seeks new premises after ‘devastating’ rent hike
Northumberland-based dog training centre Raven River Dog Training has told customers it will be forced to close its doors “unless by some miracle” it finds new premises, following a more-than-two-fold rent increase.
“In March I got the devastating news that our new lease would be more than double what we currently pay, unfortunately due to the value of units at the moment, they can command a much higher rental price, and its something I just can’t match,” the company said in a statement.
The closure will affect over 170 weekly clients of the business, and means job losses for five freelance instructors too.
“Unless by some miracle in the meantime I win the lottery or find someone to lease me land or a building I can afford, I will continue to explore other options, as I always do, but we will no longer be able to call Bowes Court home,” the statement added.
“Sadly my business type will struggle to afford the rental of most industrial units unless there is a private landlord willing to help; or perhaps someone with land they are willing to lease or sell in the SE Northumberland area.”
The company needs premises of around 4000sq ft and minimum width of 15m.
It also said they contacted “every outlet, from the council, to land agents and everything in-between,” but no solution has yet be found.
The company added: “Ideally we need a barn that we can use or even some outside space to tie us over during summer.
“An acre would work to either buy or rent. We need to be able to fence it and leave the kit up, and it would also mean classes and cars, so it needs to be accessible.
“I know people are still hoping for a miracle, as am I, but at the minute I’m struggling to get anything suitable.
The club do such a lot of good work, we just need someone to give us a chance.”
[Featured Image Source: Raven River Training Centre – Facebook]