a pug lying on the floor
Industry News

Flat-faced dogs falling out of favour in Britain

Flat-faced dogs have seen the biggest decline in popularity in more than a decade, according to data by The Kennel club.

Registrations for newborn Pugs, French Bulldogs and English Bulldogs have declined by 42%, 39% and 34% respectively.

The news has been hailed as a “welcome step in the right direction” by Dr Dan O’Neill, the associate professor of companion animal epidemiology at the Royal Veterinary College and chair of the Brachycephalic Working Group (BWG).

He said: “We hope this is a sign that more and more puppy buyers, owners and breeders are considering the serious health and welfare implications for flat-faced dogs.

“This is particularly important if these dogs with extreme body shapes are bought on an impulse because they ‘look cute’ but without proper understanding of their potential health issues or how indiscriminate breeding to meet demand results in poor welfare.”

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