Dog Trainers,  Industry News

Lincolnshire dog training company forced to cancel event after break in

Lincolnshire-based Dog Adventure Company and Paddocks has been forced to cancel its Christmas event after more than £10,000 worth of stock was stolen in a break in on Friday (15 December).

The dog training company’s two-day Santa Paws event, which attracts about 500 dogs and owners, was meant to have taken place on 16-17 December, but the seven-year-old event was cancelled for the first time as a result of the break-in.

Owner Steve Breach told the BBC: “They have taken all the Santa Paws presents, my Santa suit, the stock for the Dog Adventure Shop and some other stuff. Worse yet, they decided to defecate inside the building and pull down storage.

“Also a big problem is money. I spend all the ticket money on decorations, presents and event setup to improve it every year and this year I have nothing to show for it thanks to some people who think they can take things from others.”

The case has been reported to Lincolnshire Police and anyone with information is asked to call 101. People are especially asked to look out for those trying to sell a lot of harnesses, collars, toys, treats, and other dog-related products.

Breach said he doesn’t have the money to refund anyone for the tickets, but will give people equivalent vouchers to use for paddock hire, socialisation, and training.

A GoFundMe page to support the business has so far raised almost £2,000.

Page organiser Charlotte Freeth said: “The Dog Adventure Company community would like to try and help Steve recover some of the money he has lost from this heartless break in to help support this fantastic local business that is loved by many.”

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