Dog Walkers,  Industry News

Somerset Council considers re-introduction of Minehead PSPO

Somerset Council is to launch a survey about the possible re-introduction of a public space protection order (PSPO) covering Minehead beach.

A PSPO was previously in place prohibiting dogs from the beach, but the order ran out in 2019 and has not yet been renewed.

A Somerset Council spokesman told Somerset Live: “A survey will be carried out over the summer among residents, businesses, and visitors and holidaymakers which will help inform the consultation period later in the year, regarding the potential reinstatement of the dog ban on certain parts of Minehead beach as well as the other aspects of the PSPO.

“This survey will take into account and balance all aspects of beach use by the many different users of the beach, including holidaymakers with small children, residents, beach safety, businesses, and the local economy.”

Anyone caught breaching a PSPO risks being issued a fine.

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