Dog Trainers,  Industry News

Essex trainer helps tackle dog attack issue

Dog trainer Avril Munson, from The Dog Calmer in Essex, is helping to tackle the UK’s dog attack problem in a month-long campaign.

During April, The Dog Calmer will be offering free guidance for all concerned dog owners, letting them know about any behaviour they need to change, modify or get further help with.

In addition, concerned dog owners with a pet aged 18 months or younger, can get a free 15-minute telephone consultation.

Munson said: “Many people suffer under the incorrect illusion that a dog has to be mistreated to become a danger, this is sadly not the case. But there are reasons and indications, dogs biting and killing does not come out of the blue. There is always a build-up, an escalating process, that has not been noticed, because pet owners don’t know what to look for.”

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