Yorkshire Farm seeks permission for second dog walking field
The owners of Marton Meadow Dog Walking Field in Skipton, North Yorkshire, plan to open a second facility nearby in West Craven.
Applicant P Ormerod wants permission for the change of use of around two acres of agricultural land, part of Marton Scar Farm, to a mixed agricultural and amenity use.
The dog walking field would be accessed off Gledstone Road and would be open from 7am to 8pm during May to September, and during daylight hours during October to April.
The facility would be enclosed with a 6ft 2ins high fence, there will be a car parking and turning area, with a passing place on the access road.
A design statement says: “The development would not introduce any harm to the character and appearance of the surrounding landscape and would not be detrimental to highway safety.
“The development will allow the applicant to diversify and ensure that the business remains flexible and resilient in the future.”