Dog Groomers,  Industry News

The UK’s first salon for dogs and owners to pop up in London

A new pop-up in London is to become the UK’s first beauty salon for both dogs and owners.

On 7-8 December Short, Bark & Sides at Duck & Dry Mayfair, located at 33 North Audley Street, will offer wash and bouncy blow-drys for humans and the fur-facial, spritz and paw-dicure for dogs, nail posh for humans, and the paw trim and clip for dogs.

Creator Wisdom Panel found that 80% of dog owners prioritise their pet’s grooming; and decided to launch a pop-up. A poll in the Wisdom Panel database also found that owners feel closer to their dogs after shared experiences.

Georgina Richardson, Head of Wisdom Panel UK, said: “Owning a dog is one of the most enriching and meaningful experiences in life and with 100% of our customers actively seeking bonding experiences with their dogs, we can’t wait to see which breeds and owners will pair up together for some fantastic salon looks.

“In order to book we just ask for a donation of their choice to rescue charity All Dogs Matter upon booking as part of our commitment to supporting rescue charities in what is an unprecedented time for pet abandonment.”

In addition, the experience can be captured on camera and turned into festive baubles and digital Christmas cards.


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