Tewkesbury council tightens dog control rules
Tewkesbury Borough Council has introduced a new Public Space Protection Order (PSPO), which aims to ensure that everyone in charge of a dog acts responsibly by cleaning up its waste.
The new PSPO, which will remain in place for three years, replaces the previous order for dog control and includes additional offences. These include letting dogs into any children’s playpark designated as a dog-free area and makes it an offence to refuse to provide personal details if requested by a council officer, or to give false details.
Officers from the council’s environmental health team will patrol areas that have been identified as particularly affected by dog fouling, and anyone failing to comply with its terms could be fined up to £1,000.
Tewkesbury Borough Council’s lead member for Clean and Green Environment, Councillor Jim Mason, told Gloucester News: “I’m very pleased that our latest PSPO is taking a stronger approach. It allows us to legally enforce the measures we have put in place to tackle the issue and deal with those who ignore their responsibilities.”