Telford & Wrekin Council’s PSPO goes live
Telford & Wrekin Council has new powers to hand dog owners and walkers a £100 fine through a new public space protection order (PSPO) which is now in effect.
The order and its associated new powers give the council has stronger powers to help prevent, manage and tackle recurring issues and unreasonable behaviour, such as not picking up dog foul or not having the means to pick up after pets, and stopping dogs from entering gated play areas.
Council authorised officers, Police Constables and Police Community Support Officers will have authority to enforce the new law and issues fines on the spot to those who flout the law.
Councillor Richard Overton, Deputy Leader for Telford & Wrekin Council and Cabinet Member for Housing, Enforcement and Transport, said: “For the minority, where an education first approach doesn’t work, we’ll now have stronger powers to ensure that those who are unwilling to help keep the borough clean and safe, will be issued with fine of £100.”
The dog control order was agreed by elected Members of Telford and Wrekin Council after a public consultation between which saw more than 1,000 people respond. It was approved at a full council meeting held in May.