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Swanton Morley dog walking field plans approved

Plans for a dog walking facility on an agricultural field in Swanton Morley, in Norfolk, have been approved.

The field, at Elsing Road, will be enclosed by two-metre-high fencing, will have a small car park, and a sheltered seating area.

Roger Atterwill, Swanton Morley councillor, told Eastern Daily Press: “The village needs to expand its facilities for all residents. Although it has a number of footpaths available for dog walkers, many of these are provided by way of a rolling short-term agreement with a local landowner.

“There is no guarantee that these will be available in perpetuity. This new facility will provide dog owners with another option to exercise their dogs.”

Breckland Council approved the change of use of the land to a dog walking and exercise area, which will be open to the public between 6am and 9pm.

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