Scottish Borders Council wants Dog Fouling Act amendment
Scottish Borders Council is seeking an amendment to the Dog Fouling (Scotland) Act 2003 to stop dogs running free on sports pitches and play areas in the region.
The council has written to the Scottish government asking that it support the proposed addition to the act, which will protect children and those using play areas and sports pitches in the Scottish Borders and across Scotland.
In a letter to the Scottish government, Chief Executive David Robertson, said: “While it is recognised that it is the minority of dog owners who do not pick up after their dogs, the message is clear all dog owners and dog walkers should keep their dogs off sports grounds and play areas and to ensure there is a proper deterrent in place if this does not happen.”
The request follows a motion from Galashiels Liberal Democrat, Councillor Hannah Steel, which was unanimously supported by the local authority.
Steel said: “The ongoing problem of dog owners and walkers allowing their dogs to defecate on sports grounds and play parks is unacceptable and something really must be done to stop it, it’s long overdue.
“I welcome the support from members and thank Scottish Borders Council for their actions in writing to the Scottish government.”
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