dog on lead
Dog Walkers,  Industry News

Protests held against London council’s dog control plans

Protestors have demanded that Tower Hamlets Council either completely reject or significantly reduce plans to introduce a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for dog control.

The new rules being considered include ensuring dogs are kept on leads in all public spaces; banning dogs from certain spaces such as gated play parks and sports areas; limits to the number of dogs one person can walk at a time; keeping dogs on leads in local estates, car parks, roads and in communal areas; and imposing stricter penalties for dog fouling.

Campaigners from East London Dog Community told councillors that the plans could lead to even more aggressive dog. They handed in a petition signed by more than 2,500 residents urging the council to reconsider its plans.

In addition, a protest – jointly organised by East London Dog Community and the Animal Welfare Party – saw around 30 people gather.

The council, who held a public consultation on its plans that finished earlier this month, has said the PSPO is needed following a rise in the number of ‘out-of-control’ dogs, while a cabinet report said the borough had seen a number of dog attacks last summer that caused injuries.

Campaigners are expected to receive a written response from the Corporate Director of Communities in 28 days.

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