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Police throw book at Hampshire dog walker

A Hampshire dog walker has been ordered to take training courses and issued with a dog behaviour contract after their dog destroyed a rare bird’s nest and eggs in Burley, New Forest.

The dog was captured on cameras entering a curlew nest area and destroying a number of eggs in the conservation project.

The 48-year-old woman from Christchurch was given a Community Resolution Order, requiring the owner to consider putting the dog forward for extensive training courses.

She was also issued a Dog Behaviour Contract which requires her to walk the dog on a lead if on Forestry England land during nesting bird season – March through to September.

The dog had been seen to repeatedly attack the nest and consume the eggs of the nest on three separate occasions, Hampshire Constabulary said.

The woman is also required to ensure that any dog owned by the individual, including the one involved in the original offences, or a family member is kept under control at all times and is only taken out in the presence of an appropriate person who has full control of the dog.

“Curlews are ground nesting birds that are extremely rare and endangered – and sadly in this case – there was no clear attempt or intent by the owner to control their dog whilst off its lead,” Wildlife & Rural Crime Officer, Police Constable Matthew Thelwell, said.

“This has led to the destruction of a number of rare eggs, as well as the nesting area of the birds in the local area and constitutes an offence under the Countryside and Wildlife Act 1981.”

The New Forest Dog Owners Group, which represents 1200 dog owners, said it supported the police action, with a spokesperson adding: “Dog owners have clear responsibilities, and if owners won’t accept these, they must accept the consequences.

“The New Forest is a balance of wildlife, environment and leisure, and we all need to work together especially at times to protect ground nesting birds. This is an extreme case, but a clear warning to owners who use the New Forest to act properly.”

A spokesperson for the New Forest Verderers, noted: “We urge all dog walkers not only to behave responsibly themselves, but also to do whatever they can to encourage other dog walkers to do likewise, for the benefit of all.

“When an incident such as the destruction of this curlew nest occurs, we wholeheartedly support Hampshire Constabulary’s Officers for taking the action they have.”

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