Dog Walkers,  Industry News

Plans for new dog walking field near Bury St Edmunds approved

Plans to create a secure dog walking field on farmland near Bury St Edmunds, in Suffolk, have been approved.

Applicant R H Maddever Farms sought permission to convert land at Harram Bottom, Whepstead, near Bury St Edmunds.

The application did not propose a change to the surface of the land, which would remain a grassed meadow.

The plans say the facility will be secured with post and mesh style fencing, have a moveable shelter for dog walkers to take refuge, and have a small carpark for visitors.

Planners approved the application subject to conditions including no lighting at the site, definitive hours of use between 7am and 9pm, a maximum number of dogs present (10) and the restriction of use to dog walking and exercising only, saying explicitly it was not to be used for training.

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