Plans for Leicestershire doggy daycare approved despite concerns
Plans for a new Leicestershire doggy daycare have been approved despite fears of increased noise and traffic safety concerns.
Applicant Shaun Duffield was seeking permission for land off Beaumont Way at Newbold Coleorton, near Coalville, that would see three log cabins erected to form a new centre for Hounds Daycare in the area’s surrounding woodland. An existing car park for 14 vehicles would be maintained.
The plans show the cabins would be joined on site by mobile timber kennels and polytunnel shelter, which could be dismantled and moved around the woodland. The first cabin would become the centre’s reception and host sleep room for dogs, while the second and third will also hold room for sleeping dogs, as well as storage space.
North West Leicestershire District Council approved the plan, but imposed a number of conditions on the scheme though, saying no more than 60 dogs can be allowed on site and that the car park must also be hard surfaced.
In addition, the council imposed opening hours on the doggy daycare in the interests of nearby residents. It can only be open between 6am and 6pm Monday to Fridays, 9am to 5pm on Saturdays, and 9am to 4pm on Sundays and Bank Holidays.
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