Pet owners in Tendring urged to ensure doggy daycare providers are licensed
Tendring Council has urged pet owners to check whether their doggy daycare providers are licensed, while reminding dog care businesses of the need to obtain a licence.
“We’re aware of a number of businesses popping up in this sector, catering for a rise in demand; with many pets now bought during lockdowns when people worked from home, but are now heading back to the office,” Michael Talbot, Tendring District Council (TDC) Cabinet Member for Environment said.
“We’re supportive of local entrepreneurs matching that demand, but would also remind these new businesses that it is essential they register and get themselves licensed.”
However, dog care professionals in the area have called for more action by the council for businesses that do not follow the rules.
Emma Carpenter, joint owner of Play Paws Dog Daycare in Alresford, told the Clacton Gazette: “I’d like to see more enforcement against people that don’t follow the rules, I also believe insurance companies should be asking for licence numbers.
“We are in the process of setting up a Facebook page where the licensed businesses in Tendring can add their details and we can share the page to dog owners when people ask for recommendations on social media.”
What are your thoughts on the way unlicensed businesses are currently checked by councils? Let us know by emailing editorial@thecaninetimes.co.uk