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Parliament debates groomers’ charter to protect dogs from serious injuries

Parliament has discussed whether further legislative action is needed on the dog grooming industry, including a register of serious injuries for dogs.

North Norfolk MP Duncan Baker raised the issue in Parliament after one of his constituents, Maria Stableford, contacted him following a routine trip to the dog groomers that ended in her pet sustaining “serious injuries”.

Baker asked the Minister Food, Farming and Fisheries Mark Spencer whether the government would take steps to implement a dog groomers’ charter mark that includes a register of serious injuries for dogs.

In response, Spencer said that dog groomers must protect dogs under their control from harm and provide for their welfare needs, under the Animal Welfare Act 2006, with offenders facing imprisonment or an unlimited fine.

Baker came back to the question noting that the act provides “some framework in relation to intentional harm”, but added: “I am amazed at the lack of regulation in the industry.

“Will the Minister make an assessment of what further legislative steps can be taken to regulate the dog grooming industry and ensure the safety of all dogs?”

Explaining his constituent’s situation, Baker said: ” The dog was seriously injured due to the groomer using incorrect equipment, resulting in painful lacerations, multiple veterinary visits and permanent scarring.

“Unfortunately, that is not an isolated case.”

Spencer replied: “Obviously I sympathise with his constituent whose pet suffered that poor practice.

“The government’s belief in the importance of animal welfare underpins the strong protections included in the Animal Welfare Act, and we will take steps to address widespread welfare issues where they arise.”

Following the incident, Stableford has also set up a petition calling for dog groomers to be regulated and for legislation to be put in place “to help better protect dogs and their owners”.

It also calls for a minimum standard of qualification be made, plus the requirement to have insurance in place.

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