Dog Walkers

Natural England opens new stretch of England Coast Path

The latest section of the 2,700 mile England Coast Path National Trail, which takes in parts of the Lake District National Park and Duddon Estuary, has been opened by Natural England.

The new path stretches 11 miles, beginning in Silecroft and finishing at Green Road Railway Station on the western side of the estuary. It completes the Copeland section of the trail, following the opening of the Whitehaven to Silecroft stretch in West Cumbria in 2021.

The newly-opened section offers uninterrupted views out across the Irish Sea, visitors can walk through extensive beaches and dunes, taking in the golden Duddon sands, vast areas of wildlife-rich saltmarsh, and the historic town of Millom. The famous Lake District mountains are also visible from the route.

Mark Hesketh, Deputy Area Manager for Cumbria at Natural England, said: “It is with real pride that we open up this 11-mile section of the England Coast Path today – a welcome addition to the West Cumbrian trail. The new section is accessible for all users, including all-terrain wheelchairs and walkers with reduced mobility.

“There is strong evidence that shows opening up access to the coast attracts more visitors, supports the local economy and brings increased health, wellbeing and nature connections. And what could better than taking in some of UK’s most impressive countryside visitor hotspots?”

Gill Haigh, Cumbria Tourism’s Managing Director, added: “The opening of this latest 11-mile stretch of the England Coast Path is wonderful news for all those who want to experience the stunning beauty of Cumbria’s coastline. Many visitors to our county miss out on all that the coastal areas have to offer by heading straight towards the popular central Lake District locations. This new path will encourage more people to get out and enjoy the wonderfully varied and beautiful landscapes around Millom and the Duddon Estuary.”

Once complete, the England Coast Path will create a new National Trail all around England’s coast, which at 2,700 miles will be the longest continuous coastal walking route in the world.

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