Dog Walkers,  Industry News

Measures to tackle irresponsible dog walkers in Tendring

A Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) is being put in place Tendring, Essex, to help to tackle irresponsible dog walkers.

The PSPO, which came into effect on 1 August, allows authorised council officers to request a dog is put on a lead; and issue fines to walkers who do not comply.

It also allows officers to issue increased on the spot fines – of £100 – to those who do not pick up mess.

The PSPO, which was approved by the council following a 12-week public consultation, covers all public land in the Tendring district.

Mike Bush, Tendring District Council’s cabinet member for the Environment, said: “This order is another tool in the box for us to deal with them, helping to ensure residents can take pride in our area, raising quality of life and enabling us to champion our local environment.”

New signs stating the restrictions will be installed at a number of locations within the designated area.

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