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Liverpool Council approves Public Space Protection Order

Liverpool Council has agreed to adopt a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO).

The three-year order includes legislation relating to dog fouling, placing dogs on a lead where directed, dogs on leads at all times in a designated area, and the exclusion of dogs in certain areas. The PSPO will prevent dogs from being off lead in eight city cemeteries and present at more than 70 playgrounds and sports pitches.

Those found in breach of the order will be issued with an £80 fixed penalty notice by council officers or police constables. Appropriate signage will be produced and displayed in affected areas.

Councillor Liam Robinson, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services, said: “Our parks and open spaces are hugely important community assets – as the Covid-19 pandemic vividly underlined – and we can’t let a minority ruin the joy they bring for everyone else.

“These enforcement powers under this new PSPO provides clarity on what the rules are and they also strike the right balance – allowing people to continue to enjoy walking their dogs but giving the council the tools to instantly fine those who spoil that experience.”

The PSPO will go live once it is published and the signage installed, which is expected to be within the next month.

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