Leads are essential to prevent dogs ‘harming’ ground-nesting birds
The Wildlife Trusts, an organisation made up of 46 local wildlife trusts in the UK, the Isle of Man, and Alderney, are calling on dog walkers to keep their dogs on short leads to help ground-nesting birds this spring and summer.
The trusts say many people think of birds’ nests as being high up in trees, but a surprising number nest on the ground or just above it, in low bushes.
James Byrne, landscapes recovery programme manager for The Wildlife Trusts, said: “Allowing dogs to run wild in nature reserves can be devastating for wildlife, particularly in spring when species are breeding and vulnerable.
“We’re asking dog walkers to be sensitive by keeping their animals on short leads, sticking to paths, and properly disposing of dog poo. Wildlife is already under enormous pressure – let’s all keep dogs in check so as not to make things worse.”