Hampshire doggy daycare to set up luxury centre
CB Canine Care is creating a new luxury doggy daycare centre in Titchfield in Fareham, Hampshire.
The centre’s facilities will include swimming pool, sandpits, digging areas, agility courses, tunnels and mazes, climbing frame, shaded areas, slides, puppy area, water fountain, nap area and quiet zone, dog swings, and showers.
The centre will also provide birthday celebrations, arts and craft sessions, and photoshoots.
CB Canine Care told customers: “We will strive to provide a fun-filled, adventurous day out for your dog, socialising and playing stimulating games. This will be no ordinary doggy daycare, your dogs will leave us happy, content, and eager to return.”
The company has an introductory offer of 20% off customers’ first three bookings.
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