Halifax doggy daycare opens pet shop
The owner of Happy Paws doggy daycare in Halifax, West Yorkshire, have recently opened a new pet shop alongside the business.
Vanda Futerko and her daughter Krista opened the Happy Paws in December 2020 after their hopes of running a day centre for the elderly were stopped due to the pandemic, which forced them to close their business after one day.
Vanda told the Halifax Courier: “My daughter said ‘can’t we turn it into a doggy daycare centre’ – as it’s what she wanted to do all along’ – we went through the process, applied for planning and a licence and it’s the best thing we’ve ever done.
“We are very passionate about dogs having two of our own and we love it, we love all the dogs, and they absolutely love coming here.”
Happy Paws currently has more than 30 dogs coming through their doors every day and Vanda is hoping the addition of the new pet store will help maintain the company’s success.
She added: “I want it to become a successful shop where people come even if they’re not bringing their dogs to our daycare. Our prices will be kept competitive to help our customers and sustain our business.
“We’re just looking forward to seeing old and new faces in both the day care and their new pet shop and hope that Happy Paws continues to grow.”
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